Peyronie's disease

What Is Peyronie’s Disease?

Does a curved penis mean you have Peyronie’s disease? Learn more about this disorder and learn how to fix it at home with penis extenders. Happy reading.

Quick summary

  • Peyronie’s disease is a condition where scar tissue causes the penis to bend, lose length or girth, and potentially experience pain during erections, making sexual activity difficult. It is most common in men between the ages of 40 and 70.
  • Risk factors for Peyronie’s disease include age, genetics, connective tissue disorders, sexual dysfunction, cancer, and immune disorders. The condition can be classified into acute and chronic stages, with the acute phase involving active scar formation and potential pain during erections.
  • Treatment options include penis extenders, which apply traction to the scar tissue to help correct the curvature over time. Well-known products like SizeGenetics, Phallosan Forte, and Quick Extender Pro are recommended by medical professionals for their safety and effectiveness.

Masculinity is sometimes at a threat when something happens to your penis. Peyronie’s disease or curved penis is a disorder that curtails your sexual freedom and could even end it.

There is a lot more to know about this disease because it could develop at any point in life, and knowing it in advance may help you diagnose it earlier to fix it without even going to a hospital.

So, without further ado, let us jump into the crux of this article.

What is Peyronie’s disease?

Scar tissue can cause the penis to bend or lose length and girth due to Peyronie’s disease (PPD). It may hurt you and make it difficult for him to engage in sexual activity.

This condition can be treated surgically and nonsurgically without much risk to your penis or sexual life. Unlike diseases like cancer, this disorder does not affect fertility.

In Peyronie’s disease, the penis develops scar tissue that causes it to sag, droop or shrink in size. It is possible to feel the damaged tissue through the skin or to experience pain in a specific area of the penis like that of the scar tissue forms.

You can bend your penis up, down, or even to the side based on the scar’s location during an erection. Some men with the condition will have an hourglass shape, making it more difficult to engage in sex.

Most men have erections that aren’t perfectly straight. Even if your penis has a slight curve, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have Peyronie’s disease.

In the majority of the cases, scarring on the upper edge of the penis causes it to turn upward when it is erect. The phallus that has scars on the bottom or sides will sag, while those that have scars on the top or sides will form a curvature.

Penis length may be reduced or dented in some cases due to scarring on both the top & bottom of the shaft. Scar tissue in about one-third of men with this situation may contain calcium deposits, thus even making it feel like a bone.

Read also: What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

Stages of Peyronie’s disease

This disorder can vaguely be classified into acute and chronic depending on certain disease parameters.

  • Acute phase: This phase can last anywhere from six to twelve months. During this time, a scar develops beneath the skin of the penis, altering its shape. When the penis is aroused or hard, you may experience pain.
  • Chronic phase: The deformation in the penis doesn’t worsen in this phase because the scar has ceased to grow. When it comes to erections, the pain is usually gone by this point, but there are some exceptions. If you have trouble getting or keeping your penis as firm as possible, you could even be developing erectile dysfunction (ED).

Risk factors of Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease is associated with several risk factors, including:

  • Age: Peyronie’s disease is more common as you age. About 10 to 15 percent of men in their mid-thirties are mostly affected by a curved penis.
  • Genetics: Genetic predisposition is one of the major causative factors of this disorder. If your father or grandfather had a curved penis, you’re more likely to get the same.
  • Connective tissue disorders: Those who suffer from a connective tissue disorder are particularly vulnerable. Scleroderma, Dupuytren’s disease, and plantar fasciitis are a few examples of diseases that can increase the risk of a curved penis.
  • Sexual dysfunction: The risk of developing Peyronie’s disease in men with diabetes-related erectile dysfunction (ED) is four to five times greater. Peyronie’s disease may cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Cancer: Any cancer in the male reproductive system and its associated treatment procedure raises the risk of Peyronies disease.
  • Immune disorder: Conditions like lupus caused by an autoimmune malfunction increase the risk of penis curvature.

How common Peyronie’s disease is?

According to experts, Peyronie’s disease affects between 6% and 10% of males between 40 and 70. According to one theory, this number is higher because some men choose not to discuss prostate cancer with their doctors, and others might not be bothered enough to seek treatment.

In most cases, a mild bend in the penis is not considered a big deal unless it starts paining or hindering the sexual life.

Carefully observe your penis for any localized discomfort and curvate changes and if needed, make an appointment with your doctor if you have any questions about your sexual health.

Read also: How To Prevent Peyronie’s Disease?

How to treat Peyronie’s disease?

The treatment is mostly fixed by a trained physician or a urologist. Surgical intervention is mostly chosen only in the case of a chronic disorder with a severe plague.

It’s possible to fix the bend using penis extenders, which are nothing but a contraption worn over the penis.

To see results, an extender must be worn every day for several months. Even though it is a slow process, the results are guaranteed and have zero side effects, unlike surgery.

The scar tissue is stretched in this traction therapy, which is why it has produced better results in terms of curvature improvement.

However, make sure that you go with a top-of-the-line penis extender from a reputed brand because the design and build quality play a crucial role.

There are a few well-known products in the market, like SizeGenetics, Phallosan Forte, and Quick Extender Pro, which are proven and preferred by most users.

Devices like this have been repeatedly recommended by credible medical practitioners and found effective and safe by urologists.


It might look like an untreatable and life-ending disorder, but understating how easy it is to treat Peyronie’s disease makes it a cinch.

You need to understand more about this disorder and assess its severity to decide whether to go to a doctor and handle it yourself.

Penis extenders are the best home remedy to fix all your curvature issues without consulting a doctor. But make sure you go with the best product in order to get guaranteed results.

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Written by Tom Knight
Fact Checked by Experts
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