belly fat erectile dysfcunction

Can Belly Fat Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Belly fat, obesity, and excessive weight take your libido and sexual performance south. Read on to know how excess belly fat leads to erectile dysfunction.

Quick summary

  • Belly fat contributes to erectile dysfunction (ED) through poor blood circulation, narrowed blood vessels, and low testosterone levels, all of which make it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection.
  • Losing weight, particularly belly fat, can minimize or even reverse ED problems, as it improves blood circulation and testosterone levels.
  • Natural erection pills, such as Member XXL, VigRX Plus, Max Performer, and Eron Plus, can be a safer alternative to chemical drugs for improving erections and enhancing sexual performance.

An ever-growing waistline brings lethargy to your limbs and also to your tool! If you are putting on weight and also finding yourself unable to perform well sexually, then perhaps it is time to hit the gym.

Excessive body weight can lead to a number of health conditions. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often a symptom of an underlying health condition, and one of them is obesity.

In fact, ED is one of the most prevalent types of dysfunction that is associated with people having high cholesterol and diabetes.

Here we shall elaborate on how belly fat contributes to ED and a tip to keep your sex health boosted.

How Does Belly Fat Contribute To ED?

Men often face erection issues because of excessive belly fat. Let us understand how belly fat leads to ED in different ways:

Poor blood circulation

You get an erection when there is increased blood flow in the penile region. Certain health conditions like obesity, inflammation, and hypertension inhibit the heart’s ability to send enough blood to the penile areas.

Narrowed blood vessels

Excess belly fat damages the inner lining of the blood vessels. This makes it tough for the blood vessels to transport higher amounts of blood to reach the penis to gain an erection, leading to weak or short-lived erections.

Low Testosterone

Obese men are often found with low testosterone. Lower levels of testosterone indicate higher levels of estrogen and cortisol, leading to increased weight gain risks.

ED problems because of excessive belly fat and overall heavy weight can be reversed by exercising and eating a low-calorie diet.

Most men find their erections returning to normal once they lose weight. Losing weight can minimize ED problems considerably, if not cure them completely.

But, if you still have problems with your erections, you can consider taking the help of natural erection boosters rather than going for vasodilator drugs like Viagra. These are effective but have potential health hazards when used in the long run.

How to treat ED naturally?

While nothing beats the benefits of exercising and eating a healthy diet for regulating your sexual functions, sometimes, you need the help of external medications to normalize your erections.

Do not fall into the trap of chemical drugs, as you can have the same effects with natural erection pills. These 100% organic ingredients boost testosterone levels in the male body and improve blood flow.

With better blood flow and enhanced testosterone levels, you will find your erections returning to normal.

These also help you get a stronger libido. So, if you want to surprise your partner by lasting longer in bed, these pills are what you should take!

Also, you may consider using a natural weight loss pill similar to erection boosters, which can speed up your weight loss efforts.

The best natural performance pills available currently are:


To conclude, belly fat negatively affects your erections. Most obese men with excessive belly fat face ED issues.

Belly fat leads to poor blood circulation to the penile regions, lowers testosterone levels, and damages the inner linings of the arteries, narrowing them and reducing the volume of blood flow.

So, losing belly fat and the overall weight is one of the best ways to reverse ED issues. You can also take the help of natural erection pills to manage your erections.

Written by Lukas Weier
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